Tuesday, March 22, 2011


Phrases that caught my attention while reading the feature story:

"Professor Leni Panganiban as coordinator, always encouraging him to keep pushing, despite having
very low scores in his tests"
--- You see, professors have this impact on their students. Like, if they will be supportive and let their students strive for the best, they will. Schools are called to be the secondary home for students and their professors plays the vital role of being the parent. And being a parent means letting out or bringing out the best of your children. And for students, always remember that if you really want to succeed and if you give yourself that extra push, you'll get it.Also, this proves that one should not give up when one fails. Low scores definitely do not hinder
ones capability and capacity to succeed in life.

".....leadership. Self dedication without any personal interest"
--- How I wish that the leaders of our country would keep this in mind. This is what a leader should be. A leader should first care about his jurisdiction before himself. 

Personally, I think the feature story is a story of success in life and in business, from Mr. Chun Jin Suk's hardship in school to his victory in terms of business and lastly, the euphoria he's feeling in doing his recreational activities.

Making pakilala and making ineexpect

The name is Hamira Abdurahman. Luckily, I'm still breathing for 17 years. Currently studying at St. Paul University Manila. I have broken dreams of becoming an astronaut. Also, I am not good with actual words that's why I like to write stuff about uh, stuff. My favorite shape is the triangle. I love reading and I am always, always in-like :)

Expectations on feature writing:
It's not as heavy as writing an article. It is more on the opinion of the writer than the details
and news article is the vice versa.

What a bird gin loves.

I think this is pretty deep since I treat love like it's sacred, like it should not be thrown away like other words. It's like when you offer it to someone else, it should be sincere. And when you say it, it should be real. Love is one of my favorite words in the world and the world is made up of it. Love is what keeps us alive. It is what keeps us human.

Also, this is difficult because I  kind of can't sort out which I like and which I love. There's a difference between the two, okay. Like is shallow compared to love. Like is adoring what is immediately seen superficially in a person, on the other hand, love takes time and develops over a longer period of time and focuses more on the actions instead of the external appearance. And you know, when you love someone you will never, ever get tired of them except that change is always there. The feeling of love may change over time depending on the situation. Yea, F*** change.

One object I love are books. I love their scent, the sound of the pages when you're turning it to the next page and the words imprinted to it. I love books and therefore, I love reading. I am more of a reader like for instance, when following directions, I rather read the procedure instead of letting others explain to me on what to do. I love to read that I see it as a hobby and totally not a past time. When I'm sad, I read. It helps me cope up with the forlorn I feel because reading gets me anywhere I want to go even if I am just using my imagination. Plus, I think it's chic for girls who are into reading. They can be beautiful and intelligent at the same time but that depends on what you're reading. Meh~

I love peace.

I love Nielsen, he's my boyfriend. Well, I don't know if it is love but I really, really do care for him a lot (& when I say a lot, it's a freaking lot). I have this feeling that I should love him back in return and I am not saying that I am forcing myself to love him. I want him so bad. I don't like his half-version like the you-can-use-to-make-your-parents-adore-him kind of type. I want the clumsiness, the stutterring and the flaws. The way he laughs, his bloopers and the way he goofs around. The awkward and everything. I want him, the whole him. I want him teasing and me getting mad at him. I want the love, real love but I also want to fight and frustrate myself. It's the kind of love wherein sometimes, I feel really, really bad but I just can't seem to let go.

I don't know if I will include my friends because I don't have anyone that's been staying with me for a long period of time. Yes, I have no permanent friends, the type that talks to you and approaches you even if you don't interact with them that much and the type of friend that you can share your problems with, even the really, really private ones. I think the problem is with me because I am boring, quiet and I don't like sharing my feelings. Or maybe I am a friend to a few. If I am, I really, really do appreciate it.

I love my mother more than my life. The way she takes care of me when I get home drunk. The way she scolds me if I have done something wrong. Her hugs, her goodnight kisses... everything. I love her to death. She proves the saying "love is blind" because I know my mother loved me before seeing my face. She's the person I can run to and talk about everything under the sun except that I don't like talking to her about boys because it makes her uneasy. I love her being overprotective even if it iritates me. I don't give a damn about batman, superman, or any other "man" that has some big biceps because my mother is my hero.

These are some of the things I love. Well, I didn't put much because I think I am more of a liker and not a lover. Love is a powerful word with different meanings but people misuse it that's why the value of the word "love" is sometimes not there. Currently, the world is in chaos and one thing that keeps us united despite the clamor is Love.

Monday, March 21, 2011

Global Terror in America

Terrorists from the Middle East set foot in the American ground, surprising them with a bang on February 26, 1993.

The bombing took place at the garage beneath the World Trade Center Tower I. A massive eruption nearly collapsed the 1,368th ft high building, one of the tallest buildings in the world. The thunderous explosion rocked lower Manhattan.
Despite the size of the blast, it left a crater 22ft wide and five stories deep killing six people and left 1,000 people injured. The tower was repaired, cleaned and reopened less than a month which represents that Americans are good paradigms of hard work and hope.
Terrorism has always been a problem throughout the world. It has been shameful that Muslims were always to blame for this tragic happening. This results to stereotyping such as seeing another person’s perspective that all Muslims are terrorists, and degrading that can affect one Muslim’s self esteem.
The effects of Terrorism that occurred that day was the epidemic stress and other stress-related health problems that greatly affect the lifestyle of the Americans. Those who are most likely to have related anxiety and panic disorders are the people who were directly involved in the tragedy. This includes the people who were injured and exposed to the tragedy, to the people who watched how it happened from a nearby point, and to the people who lost a loved one.
Terrorism is rude, cruel and doesn’t benefit anyone. Killing people and taking away the lives of the innocent is a folly. Terrorism doesn’t only create panic but it also weakens the confidence of the government and the political leadership of the target country.
Why can’t the world have peace? Why can’t the people world just get along and stop fighting? Do they feel better if they kill people? I wonder how they cope up and sleep every night after taking away lives? Have you ever wondered why? Have you ever wondered how? Maybe it’s because of money and power. If it is, the world is now blind indeed. Or maybe because of love which we can compare to the saying “Love is blind” but how can someone talk about love with objects that can kill?
The world today has faced many trials and problems in the past and despite of all the tragedies that happened, we are still here, love and hope is indeed omnipresent and whatever happens, we must keep in mind that Love is and should be the movement.

Of the ocean and the liquor ban

It was a warm summer and the heat could not get worse. The Philippines can now be compared to an oven toaster and on the 8th until the 10th of March 2011, my relatives and I went to Boracay for a vacation.
As I would say it “BRB Boracay.” This may not be a fact because blood and sweat will have to drip first before I can finally get there by myself but Iswear that I will definitely come back using my own money. My cousins would describe the vacation as our sweet escape because really, it was. It was the first time that our parents allowed us to stay late outside. We got home everyday by 4 in the morning and sometimes, we don’t go home already. We will just head home to take a bath and head anywhere we desire after.
Boracay wasn’t really following the “liquor ban” policy. We had a drink at some store wherein they offer wide varieties and flavors of fruit shakes and milkshakes with a hint of vodka, rhum, wine or anything alcoholic. That was the most fun part, drinking because it was by that time, not allowed. So if you want to have something different this summer, try Boracay. It’s like the saying “study hard, party harder,” because in boracay it’s “have fun, party to the hardest!” J

Sunday, March 20, 2011


Clear salt sea water. Rich marine life. Fine white sand. A view of a wonderful sunset. The hot sun. The beach bod. Cutie patootie swimsuits. Hunks. Beach girls. Parties. Hot fire dancers. Boracay.
I am pretty sure you can picture how stunning Boracay is. My relatives and I went there for a vacation. It was a time of election so as you can see, only  the people in Boracay were out there to party and not care about what’s going on.
I don’t remember what we did day by day but one memorable experience we did was to ride the banana boat and the flying fish. Oh my God, flying fish. The flyish fish was like a banana boat but 10 times cooler. Don’t set your expectations too high on the banana boat. You might think it’s fun because of the word ‘banana’ LOL but seriously, my eyes were just close because sea water kept splashing in my face. The flyish fish was awesome because you know, you’re like flying and if you fall down the flying fish, you will just be left there in the middle of the sea.  They will come to get you afterwards. So in short, don’t ever, ever try both if you have fear in water.
It’s not literally liquor ban in Boracay. We got to these drinking shop and they have the best shakes. They have a wide variety of milk shakes and fruit shakes. They also offer it with a hint of vodka, rhum, whine or any other alcoholic drink. So people in Boracay still drink liquor. So yeah, we drank and we partied. I think that liquor ban was a fraud.
Every night, we have dinner at some buffet near the beach. They have sorts of food that can make your tummy shut up from crumbling. Also, the fire dancers would dance to you while you’re eating. How cool is that? Also, they also have this mini Dampa like the ones in Macapagal. I don’t like it there.

I am nocturnal so I appreciate Boracay at nighttime rather than daytime. Moreover, if you really, really love nature, the heat, and parties,  head to Boracay. J

Copy paste

Plagiarism nowadays is one of the gajillion problems of the world. It's not literally the number one problem. It's maybe on the 100th spot or to others maybe at the 50th. Whichever hell of the place problem it may be, it's still a problem. So yeah, Plagiarism is what ignorant and lazy people do. It is the act of copying someone else's hard work from the internet, research paper, a book, novel, homework and the like with claiming as their own work even if it isn't. It's being dishonest and it's being a fraud because we have to credit people's work. They worked hard for the piece of wrtitng and they deserved to be recognized. How would you feel if someone stole something you worked hard for? You would feel bad, right? You exerted effort and yet you don't get any credit. It's totally unfair.

Plagiarism is for instance, copy-pasting a wikipedia article for your homework. It is quoting a phrase from someone famous and not recognizing that the words are theirs. The internet is one place for plagiarism-er it's like plagiarism in the legal way for example is when one blogger copy paste's anything from another blogger without the credits for that another blogger. Get it? We may like the idea of a person and we may all have similar ideas but we never have that exactly the same idea. There's a difference, okay. Because if it is exactly the same, the words will also be exact but if it is similar, the words are somehow, placed in another order or the meaning will be the same. The act is called paraphrasing or comprehending something you read and put it into your own words.

It's okay to paraphrase sentences but it's forever wrong to plagiarize. It's stealing and if you are ethical enough about things like these, you wouldn't do it. Other people's work maybe better but if they can do it, why can't you? Plagiarism is again, stealing. We must always remember that a liar and a theft are twins  so if you consider yourself as a "plagiarism-er," people shouldn't trust you because you're also a liar. Plagiarism is basically stealing an idea or a masterpiece of someone else's mind. Don't waste your time stealing an essay or something, make your own.


I pledge to read the written word.

Currently, I am here in my dear university, computer lab to be exact, attending this workshop. I met up with my blockmate, ace, because we don't have any friends here. We are supposed to be seatmates in this lab but unluckily, the friggin ninnernutz got messed up on the first computer I sat down at. And now, some girl fixed the ninnernuts and now she's beside ace. Why am I so lame? So yeah, our proctor, as of what I call her, tells us to write about a world without Journalism. I really don't know if I love writing. I love reading but they say that writing comes along with it. They don't go one way and that they are always hand in hand.
Anyway, it's out of the topic. For now, I shall discuss, or maybe blab about something of a world without journalism.

They say that journalism is about writing, editing, televising everything through the radio or television or the ninnernutz but it's beyond that. It's about putting your thoughts into words. It's about creativity of expression even if it sometimes lame, uncool, and not interesting. It's you know, pinching up those creative juices even if you're not creative enough.

One thought to ponder about me is that I love reading. Okay, it's a deep word, Love. I don't look at it as a past time but it's a hobby. I love reading stories from fiction to romance to novels to adventure, name it, but I think my mind is not that broad or enhanced to write such stories like that. I just like to marvel and let the words be sceneries on my mind. Now you think that this is totally out of the topic now but you know, books are a form of writing. And writing equates to journalism. Written words are powerful like how our national hero said it “The pen is mightier than the sword.” Written words have this some sort of magic that dominates your mind and like, you're out of this world for a second then come back the next second.

Imagine a world without books, or any kind of reading material. Wouldn't that be boring? Even the ninnernutz is a form of journalism. Where the hell will we get answers for our homework? Research paper? Course requirements? How to cook? And on what to do if heartbroken? Joking. But seriously, the world is indeed a better place with all these journalism thingies. One way to recognize writing is reading. Reading literally educates us. Plus, it broadens are imagination.

So uh, heard about the earthquake in Japan and the tsunami afterwards that killed gajillion people? So if you didn't, you basically don't have a life. Or if you did, that's because of this so-called news which is a form of journalism. With the news, we are aware of what's happening inside and outside of our country and sometimes, out of the world. It helps us to be updated about the latest events that occur in the past 24 hours or so. It gives us relevant or irrelevant information. Irrelevant means the entertainment news that tackles about the life of the rich and the famous. So yeah, to conclude, journalism is everything under the sun.

And uh, if you're a geek for magazines, you should also thank journalism because they produce that stuff. Well, the publishing inc. does or the writer does but really, it's their skill that gets the job done. Without magazines, how are we going to know the latest trends? Lookbook, ofcourse but sometimes, it's nicer to do things in a more traditional way. And also, magazines are also the only, I think, legal way of pornification. Lol. Playboy, FHM and the like. ‘cause the ninnernut porn is illegal.

Personally, I think journalism is for the people who are good and not good with actual words. It's an infinite source of ideas that produces well, jobs, emotions, the magazine you're reading, the news on TV and the like. It can be revolution for the people in Libya. It can be the letter of a lover to his beloved. It can be a journalist's entry for a press. It can be the words of a songwriter that freely writes what he/she has in mind. It can be a gossip which is is true or not. It is freedom of emotions and ideas that are wanted to be shared. It can be your facebook status or you blog in Tumblr. And it can be compared to the universe, unending and forever evolving.

P.S. ninnernut - internet